27 December 2005


The 11 yr old gomerNeighbor kids got mini-motorcycles for X-Mas. One is a mini mini and the other is like the one in the picture. I got to listen to them ride up and down the street all day today. The local municipal code prohibits the operation of these vehicles on village streets and sidewalks.
My moral dilemma for today, do I leave a copy of the code on their windshield wiper asking them to stop, or do I mind my own business? If I leave the note and they do not stop, do I call the authorities? They live four doors down, and I don't know them anyway. They moved in this past summer. developing...


Bret said...

Get your village cops/constables to swing by whenever they're doing their thing on the bikes, and they'll handle the rest. Probably just give the kids a warning and parents, too.

[ ] said...

Narc them out. Definitely. You will be doing them a favor.
