04 December 2005

55 is the New 35!

Happy birthday to me, one day late. I promise this will not be a "birthday musings" post.
In January I had a fitness goal to achieve by my 55th birthday. I achieved that goal. I feel lighter, I have more energy and I am motivated to take on another goal in 2006. The Real Age website says my Real Age is 45. yay.

Dear Wife and kids took me to Wildfire in Lincolnshire for dinner. The cashew crusted grouper was very good. The girls all had red meat. Then we haunted Hawthorne Mall in Vernon Hills for awhile. We stopped at various places including Scott's Sports Collectibles where I saw a man holding a Cubs trash can having a discussion with his son, who was holding a Sox can.

"Dad, can I get this?"
"No, how about a Cubs trash can?"
"I want the Sox one."
"I am not going to buy a Sox one. How about a Bears one?"
"But the Sox won the World Series."
Me: "Hard to argue with that logic, dad."
Dad gives me a look of sheer despair.

I leave the store with a White Sox Santa hat and a White Sox World Series clock. The pile of Sox swag grows.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! It's going to be good for your health to keep yourself fit. I have a lot of friends who are hitting the gym and who are on diets that would surely make them feel younger. I think you're right about that statement: 55 is the new 35.
