28 August 2005

Getting In Shape #6

I don't feel well and I'm kind of depressed because my friend is leaving Wednesday. That will leave me high and dry on three fronts: childcare, companionship and workouts. I am down to 209 this week, having lost 33 flabby,sloppy ugly pounds (15 kilos) since January 1st. I don't exactly know how I lost another pound this week since I backed off an additional day with the start of the kids' school.
I am kicking some butt in spinning class, and will reward myself with a pair of spin shoes this September.
Still no job, but the interview I endured presented an interesting consulting opportunity that could fund the launch of a new business. I really do NOT want to work for somebody else.
On another front, I agreed to teach accounting Weds nights at the DeVry University campus here in AlmostInWisconsinVille.
Stay Positive. Wherever you go, there you are.

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