20 November 2005

Magnificent Mile Parade = Bad

The family trekked down to downtown Chicago to see a Disney theme park commercial, ostensibly a 25 minute free Holiday Show. We stood in the shadows of the Wrigley and Tribune buildings, watching Disney characters and dancers lip synch the entire show. It was okay, the kids liked it.

Then it was off to the Fairmont to see a two hour Disney Timeshare presentation, nicely packaged as a reception for current Disney Vacation Club owners, complete with free hot pupus and a bar. My daughter cried when I did not drop an additional $11,000 for more DVC points so she could get the Princess Aurora lithograph.

Next, we stopped at a condo Open House next door to look at how Chicagoans can live in the heart of downtown. Pretty nice, actually, and not overly expensive at $200 thousand for a studio with no view.

After that we moseyed onto Michigan Avenue to watch the Magnificant Mile Parade across from the Disney Store. A worse parade was never seen. No music, some characters, no charm. Short and not-so-sweet. Oh well. the kids were happay as we trudged back to AlmostWisconsin with bags of Disney swag and American Girl clothes, including an Irish Dance outfit for a doll that cost $28.

17 November 2005

Post-World Series Glow

I must say I have an aura of contentment around me these days. It has been a very pleasant off-season so far. I have been arguing with my mates about politics and the Bears instead of worrying what the Chairman and his minions are doing this off season to improve the World Champion White Sox. Meanwhile did I hear that the sales of White Sox World Series merchandise has eclipsed the sale of 2004 Red Sox stuff? Can it be?

10 November 2005

Joseph Pilates

A pretty cool cat who invented an exercise regimin that increases both strength and flexibility. It is hard to do correctly. If it hurts, it is being done incorrectly.

Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness. In order to achieve happiness, it is imperative to gain mastery of your body. If at the age of 30 you are stiff and out of shape, you are old. If at 60 you are supple and strong then you are young."
Joseph Hubertus Pilates

04 November 2005

Thanksgiving Looms

The annual ritual of practicing the Deadly Sin of Gluttony is coming up quickly. This is another celebration I don't care much for. Maybe back in the day families actually gave thanks to God on the last Thursday in November, but these days it is pretty much an excuse to either go on a mini-vacation or get started on Xmas shopping. The day itself is usually highlighted by a family get-together that includes excessive drinking, eating and sleeping in front of a TV while the womenfolk plan their Black Friday shopping strategy at the kitchen table. (I guess that is not so bad after all.)
Some families still happily congregate and renew their familial bonds, I am sure. Those have to be in the minority, just like children born in marriage and marriages that do not end in divorce.
Then there are the families that see each other reluctantly and end up getting drunk and fighting while an American football game blares in the background.
All in all, I can take it or leave it. I think my favorite Thanksgiving weekend occured in 1987 (?) when I was a rakishly handsome single guy in California. I made my own turkey, drank too much beer and fell asleep on the couch. (See, these things can be done alone, too!) Upon awakening I drove to Vegas in a fog and descended upon the Mirage for a couple days gambling, drinking and sleeping. Oh, and I gave thanks for the opportunity to be a wastrel.

02 November 2005

Bad Nicknames

Sugar Booger.
