05 September 2006

We Trip We Trip We Trip Trip Trip Trip

The White Sox managed to lose to Julian Tavarez in Fenway last night. A Cubs cast off and well-traveled innings-eater, Tavarez had the Sox hitters tied in knots. Hawk keeps talking about the Sox batters' approach at the plate, about making adjustments. He noticed early on last night that Tavarez was throwing two sliders first, then two fastballs. The Sox hitters did not seem to pick this up. Does anyone reading this think the Sox hitters are making adjustments or are they engaged in Big League milk-straining trying to win the game with each swing?

As I watch this team I think of the lute-playing Daffy Duck playing Robin Hood, singing and falling down a hill at the same time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This team just looks worn out to me. The pitchers look worn, the batters look like they're straining to crush the ball a million miles; Scott Podsednik looks crabbed and constipated; they look like they're having no fun.

But a 162-game season isn't fun unless you're hitting on all cylinders. These guys have yet to do that, and it's getting late.
